
Supported Living

Supported living is where we support you to live in your own home. Often you will have a tenancy agreement with a landlord or housing association which we will support you to understand regards your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

Often you may share your home with other individuals also with a tenancy where you share communal areas but have sole access to your bedroom. Where you share your home, we will support you to share the costs of running the house with your peers.

Thinkempathy will complete a comprehensive assessment of need and let you know whether we can offer you the right support for you and how many hours of support we feel you will need to meet your individual needs and maximise your potential. Theinformation will be transferred to support plans to ensure you are supported according to your choices and decisions and risk assessments to ensure any identified risks are managed effectively. You will bee consulted throughout according to your capacity and where you may struggle regards decisions any restrictions will be referred to your social worker and court pf protection.

Thinkempthy will guide you regards your benefit entitlements as in supported living compared to residential or nursing homes you are entitled to more benefits as you will be expected to pay your own bills, buy your own food and provisions.

Thinkempathy will support you to access work, college, leisure, and social opportunities and be a positive member of your local community acknowledging your choices and aspirations. Thinkempathy will support you to meet your health and mental health needs. We will support you to ensure you are getting all the support required from medical professionals and encourage you to attend required health screening appointments.

The support you receive will be reviewed and monitored throughout to ensure your need ae met and we are achieving positive outcomes for you as an individual.

Domiciliary Care

Thinkempathy provides high quality domiciliary care (also known as home care) and support to keep you safe, comfortable, and living independently in your own home.

Supported Living

Supported living is where we support you to live in your own home. Often you will have a tenancy agreement with a landlord or housing association which we will support you to understand regards your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

Live-in Care

When you need continuous care, you may not want the added stress of having to leave familiar surroundings. Thinkempathy gives you the option of high-quality care and support without moving to a care home.